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Service Terms and Conditions

By signing up for this website, you are signing up for a bulk food order service through Denver Foods. You are not obligated to order each month, but you do agree to the terms and conditions on how food is ordered and distributed amongst the members of this bulk food order. 


  • A 5% donation fee will be charged to each order in allow local food pantries to also order food, based on the amount available the previous month, to stock their shelves for those in need. 


  • There are no food substitutions. If Denver Foods is out of an item, you will not be charged and can order next month. 


  • If you choose to pay by credit or debit card, there will be a 3% card processing fee that will be added to your order. 


  • The food pantry chosen to receive the funds will be rotated monthly among Middle Tennessee food pantries. 


  • A yearly donation letter will not be provided, so please keep your order receipts and or invoices to show the amount of donations you have given to Grace Upon Grace Ministries. 


If a change is made, this agreement will be updated. 


mwl  09/2/2023 

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